Up Coming Events
Vision And Mission
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Entrepreneurial Alumni Association was established by a group of entrepreneurial alumni from the university. Its purpose is to unite all CUHK members who have started or are preparing to start their own businesses, providing opportunities for networking and connection. This aims to expand and strengthen the network among CUHK entrepreneurs, embodying the spirit of mutual aid among CUHK members, and helping CUHK entrepreneurs to expand their businesses.
The Chinese University of Hong Kong has a long history and many successful entrepreneurs in various fields in society. This association will serve as a bridge connecting the alma mater with entrepreneurial alumni, giving back to the alma mater, while leveraging the power of the alumni network. It aims to provide a platform for exchange and entrepreneurial information for all entrepreneurial alumni, current students, or faculty and staff
Past Events
- Fri, Aug 02九龍彌敦道 515-517號好收成商業大廈 7樓草姬創辦人的近三十年創業路─從小立志成為企業家的她,曾目睹兒時街坊因失去健康而喪失工作能力及尊嚴一幕。因此,一個改變生活的夢想油然而生 – 要用健康的力量,建立一個影響力持久的事業傳奇。經歷沙士及疫情的艱難歲月,她仍以創業的初心,堅持以客戶需求為先,不斷研發高品質產品,鍾情於為每個人守護健康,竟也捱過疫情更令事業攀上高峰。如今,草姬已發展成擁有200多員工、70多款產品、20萬會員的行業巨擘。她將分享三個創業心態攻略,獨家分享給中大的創業校友!怎能錯過這次講座?
Become a Member

Executive Committee
Former Presidents

Former President 2016

Former President 2017

Former President 2018

Former President 2019

Former President 2020

Former President 2021-2022
Board of Directors
Advisory Board
Membership Requirement
Members must be students, alumni, or staff of The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Member Benefits
Members enjoy special discounts when participating in CUAEA (Chinese University of Hong Kong Entrepreneurial Alumni Association) events.
Member information will be added to the official CUAEA database and website.
Members have the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with experienced professionals or investors, learning from them.
Members are eligible to run for a position in the CUAEA committee in the following year.
Members have the chance to gain exposure in public or through media.
Members will receive updates about various CUAEA events.

CUHK Centre for Innovation and Technology
Email: info@cuaea.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cuaea
For any general inquiries, please fill in the following contact form: